Will Lawfare Take Trump Off the Ballot?

Trump’s reputation will be further damaged even if he prevails, and if he does, Democrats will harness their voters’ fury at the Republican-majority Supreme Court.


Lawfare subverts democracy by taking decision-making away from voters and giving it to the courts, while ensuring that half the country — one party or the other — is outraged by the judiciary’s conclusions.

Democrats have led their supporters to entertain a fantasy of winning by disqualifying Trump rather than beating him, but the scenarios don’t work, and lawfare only breeds strife.

[I don’t think Democrats are done running on Dobbs, and these #14A disqualifications are so novel that few if anyone think they will stand up. The only voters who will be motivated by a SCOTUS decision knocking down the DQs are those who are already hysterically motivated to vote anyway. Other than that, McCarthy’s spot on. — Ed]

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