The Case For DeSantis as Veep

To wit: tout de suite, immediately and without delay, install the shining star from the Sunshine State as his running mate.

(P.S., Since Orange Man is to homes what Chef Boyardee is to canned pastas, the constitutional trifle regarding two Florida residents can surely be managed with one change-of-address card.)


Why is Guv Ron the obvious and only choice? To start: despite his stumbling, bumbling, tumbling primary belly flop, DeSantis is a proven vote-getter on one of the biggest stages in politics. In his 20-point re-elect landslide, he flipped even fluorescent blue Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties and enabled his party’s U.S. senator and four new Republican House members to hitch rides on his powerful coattails.

Floridians especially appreciated his COVID-era doggedness, opening schools and businesses in the face of withering criticism. And even controversial initiatives – such as shipping illegals to Martha’s Vineyard and outlawing sexual and racial indoctrination of pre-schoolers – resonated with voters of all political stripes.

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