U Wisconsin Law School: Only Whites Can Be Racist, or Something

A mandatory diversity training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison teaches students “people of color” cannot be racist against white people.

The first-year law student training, developed by consultant Debra Leigh, also says it is racist for someone to say they are colorblind – and to ask for help with not being racist.


The list, required reading prior to the “Re-Orientation” includes 28 ways in which certain attitudes and behaviors “indicate a detour or wrong turn into white guilt, denial or defensiveness.” Students were also asked to fill out a “race timeline worksheet” with at least “7 significant moments” that were connected to race and identity.

[Actually, it’s starting to look like only Academia can be racist these days. This is not new, either, or limited to law. Teaching schools have forced future teachers to confess their privilege and racism as part of mandatory struggle sessions for at least the last 15 years; the University of Minnesota had to back down when it got exposed in 2009, but it’s never gone away. — Ed]

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