The Campaign Against ACA7 Marches On

If you’re a regular Instapundit reader, you probably already know about my efforts to stop Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 (or “ACA7“), which is currently pending in the California Senate (after passing in the Assembly on a strict party-line vote).


But if you haven’t heard about ACA7 before, you can read about it here, here, and here. I posted the text of Bill McGurn’s piece in the Wall Street Journal’s piece here (without the paywall). And here’s a new piece by Mike Gonzalez in the Washington Examiner. Word is getting around.

If you’d like to help, one way to do so is write an email to all state senators. Here is the page on our web site that will allow you send them.

[ACA7 is the state’s attempt to back-door its own voters, who shot down racial preferences in 2020 referendum, 57/43. The new bill would allow the governor to create “exceptions” to the language that passed by 14 points in deep-blue California. That’s why a grassroots appeal can succeed, and why Gail is working so hard to ensure that it does. — Ed]

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