“The economy is improving under Biden. But many voters aren’t giving him credit,” read The Post’s condescending Jan. 14 headline. But that was just the start of The Post’s nonsense, which took six authors to spit out.
It proceeded to cite data points without context to prop up President Joe Biden’s cadaver of an economy: “By many measures, the U.S. economy is a great success story — recession fears have fallen, along with gas prices and the unemployment rate, while manufacturing construction is up along with nominal wages and the stock market.”
Except, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon just warned that the U.S. economy looks like the dreaded stagflation era of the 1970s; Reuters reported in December that U.S. manufacturing was “mired in weakness” and forecasted the economy as “heading for slowdown.”
[Yesterday’s NY Fed index drop should wake up a few people, Vasquez notes, although apparently not the WaPo. They seem determined to destroy any credibility they have left. The reference in the Headline is below — although I’m sure our readers are very familiar with it. — Ed]
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