Hamas' Psychological Terrorism: Hostage Forced to Make Video Announcing Deaths of Two Others

Hamas released a video supposedly confirming that Yossi Sharabi, 53, and Itai Svirsky, 38, are dead and Noa Argamani, 26, is still alive.

I say supposedly because no one can ever believe anything coming from Hamas. I guarantee Argamani said all of this by force. …


On Monday morning, Hamas continued the tease by making it into a video game. I’m not kidding.

“All killed? Some killed, some injured? Still alive? Tonight we will inform you of their fate.”

[This is yet another reason why Israel — and the US — has to disincentivize hostaging by refusing to play along. Hamas will pull out every stop to get as much in concessions over their kidnapping victims as possible, and this is a particularly cruel example. But this only works if governments allow Hamas to profit from this kind of terrorism, and too many governments decide to allow terrorists to get what they want from hostaging. — Ed]

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