We have allowed the ratcheting down of our cultural expectations of immigrants. We have allowed the change in vernacular that used to differentiate between the welcomed legal immigrant and the gate-crashing, law-breaking illegal alien. And we have allowed our governments to open our borders and extend every bit of the welfare state — and more — to people who just a few generations ago would have been incarcerated and then deported. And they have created an entire subculture that is completely independent of traditional America, unlike the immigrant neighborhoods of the 19th and early 20th centuries that were steppingstones to integration into the larger American society.
And for what? Cheaper labor at the very bottom of the pay scale? Reliable Democrat voting bases in the inner cities? The destruction of traditional American culture even in the heartland? Massive shifts in spending away from taxpaying Americans?
That sounds like a country that has given up. That sounds like a country that has abandoned its traditions, its Judeo-Christian core, its unified cultural norms that have endured for centuries.
[The rule of law isn’t dead yet, but it’s in critical condition these days. And that is what America is — a country based not on an ethnicity but on structured liberty grounded in the rule of law as agreed upon by free citizens in a representative government. What we have now is the rule of whim dictated by unelected bureaucrats promulgating regulations without any control or real oversight by citizens. It’s a slow death for ordered liberty. — Ed]
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