Good News: Jewish Students File Civil-Rights Discrimination Lawsuit Against Harvard

“Jewish students have been attacked on social media, and Harvard faculty members have promulgated antisemitism in their courses and dismissed and intimidated students who object,” the lawsuit alleges. “What is most striking about all of this is Harvard’s abject failure and refusal to lift a finger to stop and deter this outrageous antisemitic conduct and penalize the students and faculty who perpetrate it.”


According to Bloomberg, the students asked a federal judge to take action and remove administrators and faculty engaged in anti-Semitic discrimination. The lawsuit also asked the federal judge to require that Harvard return or decline donations that are “conditioned on the hiring or promotion of professors who espouse antisemitism.”

[Which administrators should go? Maybe it depends on the context. I’m not a big fan of these identitarian-based regulations, but as long as they’re in place and Harvard uses them to promote their ethno-determinism plague, I’m all for petard-blowing as a response. — Ed]

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