BBC: Yeah, Our 'Summary Executions by IDF in Gaza' Report Was Full of Crap

In a report that ran overnight on December 24, the BBC said, it ran a story about Hamas accusing the IDF of “carrying out summary executions in the Gaza Strip.”


A statement from the BBC issued on Friday, almost two weeks after the initial report, said that “although the accusations were attributed and our story contained a response from the Israeli military saying they were unaware of the incident and that Hamas was a terrorist organisation that did not value truth, we had not made sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim. We apologise for this mistake.”

[I wonder why they’re apologizing. Western media outlets have made clear that their priority is the regurgitation of Hamas propaganda rather than verification of their claims. That started in the first hours of the war and has continued ever since. The BBC and many other ‘news’ agencies are a disgrace to real journalism. — Ed]

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