'Unused' Irish Hotels Burn Down, Irish Authorities Search Home of Anti-Immigration Councilors

Gardaí investigating an arson attack at a disused hotel in Galway where asylum seekers were to be housed carried out a dawn search on the home of Fianna Fáil councillor Noel Thomas this morning.


Gardaí also searched the home of someone known to another FF councillor Seamus Walsh, who told the Irish Independent, “You wouldn’t see it on Love/Hate or Kin,” he said.

Councillors Noel Thomas and Seamus Walsh faced criticism from their party for their comments in the wake of a fire at Ross Hill House in Rosscahill, near Oughterard, Co Galway in December.

Both men today told of their anger at the searches.

[I’m sitting back wondering how much more they take before they blow. ~ Beege]

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