From our Bureau of Sugar Daddies for Parasitic Latrine American Totalitarian Hellholes
No doubt about it, in 2023 Mexico’s hyper-leftist government kept Castro, Inc. on life support, and did so more intensely than any of its other Sugar Daddies. The cost of this largesse to Mexico is unknown. All we know is that 5.4 million barrels of oil were shipped, but no information is available on how much Castro, Inc. has paid, or even whether it has paid anything at all for this oil. So it goes. The parasite has been kept alive once again, despite all of its own efforts to bring Cuba to total ruin.
Abridged and loosely translated from Diario de Cuba
Oil supplies from Mexico to Cuba during 2023 were an essential lifeline for the Island, which nevertheless experienced an aggravated fuel shortage, with two moments of extreme crisis in April and September…
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