According to Liz Cheney, Trump must not be allowed to be on any ballot across the country. If he is on the ballot, and we vote for him, it will be the last vote we’ll ever freely cast.
HANOVER, New Hampshire—On the eve of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) warned the 2024 election could be the nation’s last.
Speaking to a room full of Dartmouth College students, Cheney expressed her conviction that former President Donald Trump would refuse to hand over the reins of power if elected to a second term.
“He won’t leave office,” Cheney said. “He already tried not to leave office once. So I think there’s a lot of living in a fantasy world that’s going on with Republicans telling themselves, ‘Look, we’ll vote for him, it won’t be so bad.’ It may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast. It will be that bad.”
REALLY Liz??!! Her implication here is that Trump, once he’s in office should he prevail, he will spend all his time gaming the system so that any vote cast goes in the direction he chooses.
Liz, just WHO are the ones who are trying to keep Trump off the ballot on their say so? Democrats. Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Oregon, California, Wyoming, and elsewhere. Multiple 14th Amendment cases have been kicked to the curb. Meanwhile, SCOTUS will be hearing the Colorado ballot case.
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