Ramaswamy Destroys WaPo Reporter

WASHINGTON POST REPORTER: You didn’t say that you condemn white supremacy though.

VIVEK RAMASWAMY: I’m not going to recite some catechism for you. I’m against vicious racial discrimination in this country. I’m not pledging allegiance to your new religion of modern wokeism, which actually fits the test. I’m not going to bend the knee to your religion. I’m sorry. I’m not going to ask you to bend to mine and I’m not going to bend the knee to yours.

But do I condemn vicious racial discrimination? Yes, I do.

Am I going to play your silly game of gotcha? No, I am not.

And frankly, this is why people have lost trust, and I know you’re going to go print this headline tomorrow, I know how your game works, “Vivek Ramaswamy Won’t Condemn White Supremacy.”, Because you asked a stupid question.

The reality is, I condemn vicious racial discrimination in this country, but the kind of vicious racial discrimination we see today is discrimination on the basis of race in a very different direction.


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