In Yemen alone some 350,000 deaths have occurred during the civil war started by Iranian proxies. Many of them have been civilians, including almost certainly thousands of babies. But you’ve never seen any pictures of bleeding Yemeni babies killed by other Yemenites, even though the war has been covered by many media outlets.
The same is true in Darfur where figures range upward of 10,000 dead and many more injured.
In addition, as many as 600,000 people have been killed in Syria, including many Palestinian babies and women. Again, no pictures.
If one goes back several decades to what has come to be known as Black September, the Jordanian army killed thousands of Palestinians including many civilians. But their 1970 deaths went largely un-photographed.
[Maybe this is another edition of “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” No one expects Muslim-majority nations to behave humanely, although many in fact do so consistently, while Jews are held to an impossible standard of war practices against genocidal terrorists. Those Muslim-majority nations that comply with the rules should be very insulted at these assumptions by Western media and leaders. — Ed]
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