Interesting Bluetooth SPAM Attack Detection Update

A new Python project called ‘Wall of Flippers’ detects Bluetooth spam attacks launched by Flipper Zero and Android devices.

By detecting the attacks and identifying their origin, users can take targeted protection measures, and culprits can potentially be held accountable for their actions.


Not an innocent prank
The ability to launch Bluetooth LE (BLE) spam attacks using the Flipper Zero portable wireless pen-testing and hacking tool was first demonstrated in September 2023 by security researcher ‘Techryptic.’

At the time, the attack involved spamming Apple devices with bogus Bluetooth connection notifications, so it appeared more like a prank than anything truly dangerous.

[It says attackers quickly adapted to screw up Androids as well, and I thought WOWSAHS. Better not use your bank app if you’re not sure of your connection, right? But, as one person quoted in the article points out, consequences can be far more dire than cash or Square payments, as it caused their insulin pump controller to crash. ~ Beege]

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