Harvard Cleared Their Prez Before They Actually, Like, You Know - Investigated Her Work

Harvard cleared its president Claudine Gay of plagiarism before it even investigated whether her academic work was copied, The Post reveals today.

In a threatening legal letter to The Post in late October, the college called allegations that she lifted other academics’ work “demonstrably false,” and said all her works were “cited and properly credited.”


Days later Gay herself asked for an investigation and Harvard tore up its own rules to ask outside experts to review her work, saying it had to avoid a conflict of interest.

And the experts then found she did need to make multiple corrections to her academic record.

[I’m DYING here… And you absolutely MUST get into the article and read the letters the lawyers sent The Post threatening death, destruction, and a spanking before bed if they DARED publish any of the “false” charges of plagiarism. OMG – the hubris and arrogance is so thick, you could safely walk a herd of elephants over them. ~ Beege]

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