Anyone Notice Lady Gaga Shilling for Pfizer?

The genocidal profiteers trafficking in human misery in Pfizer’s marketing department, before whom Josef Goebbels would flush with envy, recently hijacked one of my YouTube crust punk videos (wrong demo, no disposable income) to sell migraine pills — this time featuring Lady Gaga.


Via Pfizer:

“An Academy Award®, Golden Globe® Award, and 13-time Grammy® Award-winning actress and philanthropist, Lady Gaga was diagnosed with migraine when she was 14 years old, and it has had a profound impact on her life.

‘Lady Gaga’s story is a powerful reminder of how significantly migraine affects the lives of so many people,’ says Angela Lukin, Global Primary Care and U.S. President, Pfizer. ‘We believe that this collaboration will help raise awareness of this often ‘silent’ disease and inspire those living with migraine to have conversations with their healthcare providers about the best way to manage their condition’”

By showcasing Lady Gaga’s experience, Pfizer hopes to help people better understand the effect migraine can have on their lives and to show people living with the disease that they are not alone.”

Translating the PR speak: “By showcasing Lady Gaga’s plastic-surgeried-to-hell avatar for NPC millennial/zoomer rubes on DeepStateTube, Pfizer hopes to open new profit-generating avenues with a non-geriatric audience that has thus far avoided our ads that saturate CNN or Fox News.”

[Gives me the willies. She looks like a Saran-Wrapped lizard woman out of a really bad original Star Trek episode. ~ Beege]

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