Poll Shows the Young Have Gone Way *Way* Off Course

On page 46, 27% of respondents think the October 7 attack was justified by Palestinian grievances. And that’s where we have another awful linear progression of age-related opinions, because 60% of those between 18 and 24 said it was justified by Palestinian grievances. Say what you will about Boomers, above age 65 the figure agreeing with that was only 9%. But what is odd – at least, I think it’s odd – is that the answers on whether Hamas’ attack was genocidal are different, although the trend is the same. In that same age group of young 18s-24s, 66% think the attack was genocidal on Hamas’ part. Does that mean they think genocide against Jews is justified? Apparently.


Or they have no idea what Hamas is, or much of anything else. Probably the case. Indoctrination feeds on ignorance, and is helped along by social media.

We are in big big trouble with these generations. But of course you already knew that.

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