No Labels Is Pushing a Lie That Will Elect Trump

The idea that a “unity ticket” featuring a Republican and a Democrat could somehow produce a nominee with “a clear path to victory” is worse than a political fiction. The group behind it, No Labels, is pushing a dangerous lie that would simply serve to put Trump back in the White House.


How can I be so certain? Look at the last half-century of election results. …

Then there’s Ross Perot, who No Labels aspires to emulate for his appeal to “the vast middle of the electorate.” Despite unlimited cash and facing an unpopular incumbent in George H.W. Bush and a near-unknown in Bill Clinton, Perot failed to win a single state. Can No Labels twist the data and make an argument that Perot could have won if he had done things differently? Sure! But that’s like saying I could have been the quarterback of the Denver Broncos — technically true, but come on!

[I agree with Messina on this point, as well as why No Labels is essentially an ego-feeding (and donor farming) exercise. However, I’m not sure that it will tilt the election to Trump. Messina argues persuasively that voters like the concept of an independent presidential bid but then come home in the election. That will likely benefit Biden over Trump; there’s not much of a “Never Biden” contingent in the electorate, except for those already Republican. Dislike for Trump on a personal basis is both broader and deeper than it is for Biden, although Lord knows Biden’s doing everything he can to catch up. — Ed]

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