Most Young People believe 'Jews Are Oppressors'

The Harvard/Harris poll asked people, “Do you think that Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors or is that a false ideology”? 67 percent of people age 18-24 agreed that Jews are “oppressors” and should be treated as oppressors. By contrast, only 27% of people in general, and only 9% of people over age 65, agreed that Jews are oppressors.


Young people are influenced by race-based “social justice” ideology, as is shown by young adults’ similar responses to whether whites as a class are oppressors and need to be discriminated against. The Harvard/Harris poll asked, “There is an ideology that white people are oppressors and nonwhite people and people of certain groups have been oppressed and as a result should be favored today at universities and for employment. Do you support or oppose this ideology?” The young adults polled overwhelmingly say yes, they support it.

Among people age 18-24, 79% say they “support” this ideology that white people are oppressors and should be discriminated against, compared to only 35% of people in general, and only 19% of people over age 65.

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