Why are Lies so Believable?

The concept of “truth” in the Post-modern world has become malleable. There is not “THE truth” but “MY truth” which may not be the same as “YOUR” truth. It depends…as Bill Clinton famously said, “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”


“Truth” has become more or less a “preference”. Sort of like you may like chocolate; I may like vanilla. You like a Chevy while I like a Ford. When we ask which is the “better” car, we can both truthfully say what we think.

Has the meaning of “truth” just evaporated? Or is something more at work?

[Something insidious and ancient is at work, which is to reject the entire nature of truth. It is a revolt of Man against Creation, in which Man thinks that he can reorder Creation to cure its “flaws.” This is the story of Adam and Eve, and practically every misery among men. It is at the heart of the Soviet/socialist movement, which posited the creation of the New Socialist Man that corrected all of the flaws of human nature through ideology. — Ed]

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