Au Revoir, Harvard

Gay’s memo (we can call it the Gay Agenda) is not only a blueprint but it’s also a call to action, the same kind of action that we’ve seen on college campuses since the October 7 genocide of Jews by Hamas (in the name of the Palestinian people). The memo set the institutional foundation and is an action plan for the recent protests at Harvard and other college campuses around the U.S. calling for the extermination of the Jewish people. The tropes and mentalité of the Gay Agenda should remind us all of Martin Heidegger’s “inner greatness” speech on the need to transform higher education in Nazi Germany.


In Gay’s mentally dysmorphic worldview, only power and those who wield exist. She therefore reminds her colleagues that “Change is messy work” and that it will make many “uncomfortable.” This is code language, of course, for the notion that eggs must be broken to make the new equity omelette. The Gay Agenda sanctions the identification, objectification, and brutalization of the “oppressor” class (i.e., non-leftists) by those at America’s so-called Ivy League institutions who speak for the “oppressed” class. The end shall justify the means. Violence against the oppressor class is understandable if not simply just.

Gay’s 2020 memo also flies in the face of everything she said to Representative Stefanik in the congressional hearing from the week before. In her congressional testimony, Gay projected little more than evasive and soft moral relativism. Her 2020 memo represents, by contrast, what she really thinks: it’s her call to action. This is a real-life example of what Rudi Dutschke meant by the “long march through the institutions.”


[Be sure to read it all, especially Thompson’s fond memories of his earlier time at Harvard as a visiting scholar/pre-doctoral Brown post-grad. His conclusion that “there is something rotten at Harvard” applies to most of Academia as well. It’s just getting thoroughly exposed at the Poison Ivies. — Ed]

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