Vice Arabic: All That Rape, Murder, and Kidnapping Hamas Did? Totes Cool

Vice News’s Arabic website published an article defending Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre and arguing that it was “within international law.”

Badar Salem, the former managing editor of Vice MENA, condoned the attacks in an Arabic-language article for the publication. She also appeared to celebrate the massacre on social media. …


“Within this framework, what Hamas and the Palestinian resistance movements do/have done against Israeli targets is within international law,” Salem wrote. “When confronting the occupation, the resistance movement are allowed to resort to [exert] this ‘inalienable’ right to struggle for self determination.”

[Utter nonsense, both legally and morally. This is exactly what Hamas argued after the massacres, so Vice’s Arabic service is essentially regurgitating its idiotic propaganda. Ghazi Hamad made this claim in the same interview on Lebanon TV at roughly the same time, where he pledged that Hamas would repeat the massacres as often as necessary to destroy Israel. — Ed]

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