A federal jury has awarded a former associate professor $15 million after finding him the victim of a gender-biased investigation by his former university.
John Abraham, a former Rothman Orthopedic Institute surgeon and former associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, said that a second-year resident got him too drunk to consent and forced herself on him during a pool party at his home in 2018. While he says his claim was ignored, her claim that he sexually assaulted her resulted in a Title IX investigation against him, leading to his resignation, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported last week.
Abraham said he reported the incident to several TJU officials, who had a duty to report sexual misconduct under the anti-sex discrimination statute Title IX.
[Ashe has done a remarkable job for several years covering the insanely biased and destructive Title IX enforcement issues on college campuses, and this is among the worse cases. Not only did they refuse to investigate his complaint, TJU nevertheless seized on the cross-complaint from the woman to destroy his practice and his career. Abraham had been making $2 million a year from his medical practice, which is why the jury award is so high. Once again, this demonstrates why such investigations belong to professional law enforcement and not school administrators. — Ed]
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