Ag Magadh atá Sibh: Boy Wins Slot in Girls' Irish Dance Competition, Parents Fume

A teenage boy who identifies as transgender reportedly took first place this past weekend in the under-14 category at the 2023 Southern Region Oireachtas Irish dancing competition in Dallas, Texas, ultimately displacing a girl for a spot in the Irish Dancing World Championships. …


According to the report, the trans-identifying dancer previously competed in boys’ Irish dancing and placed 11th in the world in the Coimisiún Le Rincí Gaelacha (CLRG) World Championships in April.

[If that’s what the Oireachtas organization wants, why have sex-based categories at all? This is less a sport than an art form, and one could make the argument that males don’t have the same innate physical superiority they enjoy in competitive sports. However, if one makes that argument, then the organization should structure its competitions thusly from the start, rather than lure girls and their parents to participate on a sex-structured basis and then violate it. The Irish in the headline translates to “Are y’all joking?” — Ed]

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