Should We Be Concerned About Anti-Humanity Oligarchs Buying Up Farmland?

Should we be concerned about super-wealthy, left-wing oligarchs with a messianic obsession about climate buying up so much US farmland?

Bill Gates and Ted Turner are both obsessed with decreasing population, yet they are also buying up the farmland used to produce food that sustains the population.


I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while, but I don’t have a thesis, or a recommendation, or even a “principled conservative” argument to make. But I don’t like it, and it scares me.

[Sounds like a good argument for distributism, which prevents oligarchs from forming in the first place, but conservatives don’t like anti-trust enforcement, and especially regulation of mergers and acquisitions in a non-trust sense. While this sounds conservative, it inevitably results in dangerous concentrations of economic, cultural, and political power. And this is one of its potential dangers. — Ed]

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