Iger has vowed to “quiet” the company’s culture war measures and, more recently, downplay the studio’s left-leaning messages on screen. Meanwhile, he’s yanked advertising from X due to Elon Musk’s alleged anti-semitism, a false narrative pushed by the Left.
He’s also trying to explain why “The Marvels,” part of the wildly popular MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) stumbled so badly at the box office last month.
To do so, he had to indirectly smear the film’s black female director, Nia DaCosta. …
“The Marvels was shot during COVID … there wasn’t as much supervision on the set, so to speak, where we have executives [that are] really looking over what’s being done day after day after day.”
Did DaCosta require “mansplaining” to get the MCU just right?
[The way it reads to me is that Iger may have been trying to let DaCosta off the hook for the results of the film rather than blaming her. As Christian notes, though, that ain’t how it’s playing with DaCosta or her allies. Iger has clearly lost his magic, so to speak. — Ed]
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