UN: Say, Maybe We Should Look Into Hamas' Sex Crimes

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres broke his silence on allegations of sex crimes carried out by Hamas terrorists on October 7, saying such reports must be investigated.


“There are numerous accounts of sexual violence during the abhorrent acts of terror by Hamas on 7 October that must be vigorously investigated and prosecuted,” Guterres wrote on X, more than 50 days after the terror onslaught. “Gender-based violence must be condemned. Anytime. Anywhere.” …

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan slammed Guterres for taking close to eight weeks to finally speak up about the allegations.

[This is an absolute disgrace. The UN has now made clear that only Western nations will be held accountable for war crimes, not others, and especially not Iranian terror proxies. The United Nations is worthless, and Guterres is a despicable tool. — Ed]

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