Counseling a Gaslit Nation

So much of what we have gone through in these recent years is understandable as a form of societal-level narcissistic abuse. We weren’t allowed to leave our homes, see our friends, go to church or work, or even make our own medical decisions. We were constantly told that those in power were to credit every time the scary numbers went down and that we were to blame every time the scary numbers went up.


I distinctly remember Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio lecturing his citizens as if it were their fault that he had to impose a mask mandate. President Biden’s infamous “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin” is a textbook example of narcissistic rage.

If I were counseling a victim of narcissistic abuse in my office or the confessional, my immediate suggestion would be to break off contact as completely as possible as the relationship is unrecoverable.

How does a nation respond when the abusers are politicians from both parties and nearly the entirety of the administrative state and legacy media?

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