Nevada Judge Rejects Attempt to Make Abortion a Constitutional Right

In October, the Coalition for Parents and Children (CPC) PAC filed a lawsuit against a petition by Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom (NRF) to put an amendment on the ballot that protects access to abortion and birth control, and prenatal and postpartum care, according to The Hill. Carson City District Court Judge James Russell said that he was dismissing the petition because it did not focus on just abortion and, therefore, violated the “single subject rule,” according to the ruling.


“This Court agrees with Plaintiffs that the Petition embraces a multitude of subjects that amount to logrolling,” Russell wrote. “Subsection 1, alone, embraces the following subjects: prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, vasectomy, tubal ligation, abortion, abortion care, management of a miscarriage, and infertility care … Thus, it is improper to characterize these broad categories as a ‘single subject’ because there is no explanation as to how these provisions are functionally related.”

[This is more procedural than substantive. If the NRF stuck to abortion alone in a ballot petition, that would pass muster in court and proceed to the voters. However, as Life News points out, abortion is already legal in Nevada through 24 weeks, so any attempt at such a petition on abortion alone would likely be very unpopular — which is why the BRF freighted it with other issues that have more popular support. — Ed]

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