How To Deal With a Crazy Anti-Semitic Uncle at Thanksgiving

Everyone has one: the crazy uncle or other family member who ignites a political fight during Thanksgiving Dinner. You have to invite the pain in the butt because he or she’s family. The big news is the Israel-Hamas war and the insane rise in Antisemitism. I don’t know for sure, but knowing his history, if my crazy uncle (who is Jewish) brings up the topic, he will take the side of the anti-Semites. Rather than fight with the uncle, we would like to have a peaceful Thanksgiving, watch football, drink beer, and feast on a delicious dinner that includes turkey and every carbohydrate side dish known to humanity.


I would rather not have the day spoiled by an uncle who is nuttier than a porta potty on the last day of a peanut festival. …

For peace with the Rashida Talib in your family, get the argument over fast—agree with him.

[Jeff always has a pretty amusing take on the holidays, high or otherwise, so keep reading. But lately, it’s the uncles who are relatively sane and it’s the nieces and nephews who are bat**** crazy. Except for that uncle who still cheers for the New York Jets, of course. — Ed]

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