The Never-Trumpers Are Seriously Losing It Now

To listen to Joe Scarborough today, you can imagine the Morning Joe host fretting that if Donald Trump were re-elected, he would replace turkey pardoning with an Execution o’ the Week ceremony!


We’ve oft documented, as here, poor Scarborough’s fascism fetish when it comes to describing Trump. Joe’s mania reached a crescendo today, as variations on that f-word were deployed no fewer than 25 times in the show’s first 17 minutes.

Joe hammered the DNC theme for 2024: “If you want to be fair, then you will frame this as Joe Biden being the candidate that supports American democracy, and Donald Trump, a candidate who supports a new form of government here that’s authoritarian. It’s really that simple.”

That eventually led scare-mongering Scarborough to predict that —given the chance—Trump would “execute” as many people as he could get away with. Nobody fears “fact checkers” will get involved.

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