Why have so many young people embraced this dangerous, identitarian worldview? Why is it that rather than feeling loyalty to their nation, or to a Judeo-Christian tradition more broadly, young people seem more likely to express profound contempt for Western history and society in the present? The current resurgence of interest in Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ provides horrible evidence of Gen Z’s alienation from Western values.
Over recent decades, older generations have failed to inspire in children a positive vision of the West. Worse, education has often actively cultivated feelings of shame towards nations such as the UK, the US and Australia. Take the teaching of history. Far from promoting a positive account of the past – or even an objective or balanced account of the past – children today are often taught that everything that happened in the past was sinful. Both the school curriculum and popular children’s television programmes damn British history as an unbroken story of slavery, colonialism and countless other acts of barbarism. This is a story without heroes or acts of redemption.
Western societies have created a generation of young people who are antagonistic to their own national history and profoundly alienated from Judeo-Christian culture.
[This is precisely the problem. We have done this for at least a couple of generations and arguably longer, and this anti-Western indoctrination has now encompassed K-12 education as well as Academia. Small wonder this generation is rooting for the annihilators. — Ed]
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