You, my friends, have no hate in your hearts: that is why I love you. So when I showed up at an event the other night to do a reading of short stories and saw so many people I knew and loved there, friends and colleagues of mine whom I adore, I was shocked to see that no one seemed to be carrying the weight of what took place in Israel: a weight that is hanging heavily on every Jewish person I know.
And then I realized: This isn’t your reality, it is ours. You mean no harm, you simply don’t have the full picture.
As this understanding settled on me, my anxiety turned to hope – that perhaps, in friendship, I can say to you: We are hurting and we are terrified, because history has shown us that this won’t end well for the Jewish people if you don’t hear our cries for help.
(via Breitbart)
[And it’s not just Jewish Americans who are stunned, although they carry a far heavier burden and fear. I have repeatedly expressed my shock to have gone to bed on October 7, 2023 in America and have woken up in 1933 Nuremberg. College campuses have turned into the “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” scene from ‘Cabaret.’ And if that’s how I feel, I can only imagine how my Jewish friends and colleagues feel. It’s time to WAKE UP … before it’s really too late. — Ed]
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