Biden Wants to Protect Gaza Hospitals Knowing They Shield Hamas HQ

Last night from a divan, fanned by the eunuchs of his administration and protected by the Media Praetorian Guards, Pharoah Joe Biden decreed that hospitals in Gaza must be protected as the IDF closes in. That’s how Democrats get things done, they decree it.


With Hamas as an enemy of Israel’s existence, they do nothing to protect the Gazans. Hamas doesn’t care about their lives, not one man, woman or child. They are all expendable to the end goal: the destruction of Israel. They build tunnels under hospitals, turn mosques into launching facilities and schools into weapons storage units. Israel and the Israel Defense Force have sent out fliers, emails and text messages and dropped leaflets warning residents to get out of the targeted areas days ahead of time. The spokesman below has a Scottish accent, Mr. Lundie right out of Brigadoon, but don’t let that throw you:

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