Ellis: Trump Was "Not Going to Leave" the White House


She said she was told this at a Christmas party around December 19th. While she didn’t name Dan Scavino, that’s who it sounds like she was talking about.

Ellis said she told him that it doesn’t work that way, to which he claimed they don’t care. He said Trump was going to stay in the White House and stay in power:

[Like RS, I’m a little nonplussed with this ‘scoop.’ Whatever else Trump or Scavino may have allegedly said, Trump left the White House as the law dictates on January 20, 2021 when his term expired. Besides which, this is hearsay, so it’s not usable for prosecutors in regard to Trump. Ellis may have more interesting things to say about Trump, but this isn’t going to move the ball legally — although it may hurt Trump’s chances of getting a fair trial. That raises the question of who leaked this, too. — Ed]

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