Gavinor Newsom Quietly Vamoosing Homeless From San Fran Streets for His Big Moment

San Francisco reportedly removed encampments sheltering homeless people in downtown ahead of an upcoming international summit where President Joe Biden will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping.


Homelessness has long plagued San Francisco, according to a 2022 count conducted by the city that showed around 3,400 people sleep in a shelter while about 4,400 people sleep on the streets on any given night in the northern California city.

This week, homeless people have been moved to parts of the city far from the location of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit next week, the New York Post reported.

“They started clearing the tents earlier this week and there is definitely a lot more police presence,” South of Market resident and activist Ricci Lee Wynne told The Post.

[Amazing what the unctuous creep can get done when he’s trying to throw a party for bigwigs. ~ Beege]

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