Why They Hate Snow White

But what makes Snow White the fairest in the land is not her looks but that she is kind and serves others. Coming upon a cottage with little beds, she assumed it was the home for a bunch of orphans. She cleans up the house while singing Whistle While You Work (the dwarves sang Heigh Ho).


Those are Christian values. The antithesis is vanity, which the left promotes with its gay pride, black pride, Muslim pride and the rest. Separating people from God is a goal of all who seek power over man. …

But Snow White lived and the men she helped kept her alive until her prince finally came and brought her out of her deep sleep with a single kiss. They married and lived happily ever after, which is the opposite of the dystopian world that Zegler and her bosses at Disney seek.

[One has to wonder at this point whether Disney might use the ‘Batgirl’ option and write off its losses rather than compound them with an expensive and fruitless distribution and ad campaign. This is not getting better, and it actually appears to be getting actively worse. As Don notes, even the hard-progressive Guardian sounds skeptical of the entire enterprise … and 2025 is a long way to postpone this film over a strike that’s now over. — Ed]

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