Obama and Farrakhan

“They stole land in Palestine,” Farrakhan said in 2010. “And this Synagogue of Satan knows that the end of their time of rule is up.” In 2017, Farrakhan said Jews “are in fact Satan,” the “enemy of God and the enemy of the righteous.” In 2018, Farrakhan claimed he was not an anti-Semite but only “anti-termite.” And so on, but clear condemnations of this bigot from the former president are hard to find.


After the 10/7 Hamas attack, which David Horowitz calls “the worst massacre of Jews for being Jews since the Holocaust,” thousands of anti-Semites take to the streets to cheer on the Hamas terrorists. For all but the willfully blind, their chant of “from the river to the sea,” is code for the extermination of Jews.

After the 10/7 massacre, Obama decried the “occupation” of Palestine, which Farrakhan claims the Jews “stole,” and the former president failed to condemn anti-Semitism in his own party. On this issue, Obama and Farrakhan may be as close and collegial as they were in that 2005 photo.

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