Blackburn: How About We Also Subpoena Sotomayor About Her Book Deals?

“But since we’re talking about Justices’ conduct, Mr. Chairman, let’s talk about Justice Sotomayor. This summer, we learned that—over the years— Justice Sotomayor’s staff have pressured public institutions where she has spoken to buy her books. Books, by the way, that have earned her nearly $4 million. I haven’t heard you talk about that. Nor have I heard you mention the fact that she refused to recuse herself in two copyright infringement cases concerning her book publisher. You clearly don’t want to talk about that. So that’s why I’ve filed an amendment issuing a subpoena to Justice Sotomayor’s staff who helped sell her books, as well as her book publisher—so that we can fully understand the backstory of her book deals.”


“And since we’re in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more that I’ve filed. A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein’s estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane. Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, we’ve got to identify everyone who could have participated in his horrific conduct.

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