Gal Gadot Will Screen Hamas Video for Hollywood

Israeli actress Gal Gadot is making efforts to illuminate the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by organizing a screening of a 47-minute video provided by the IDF spokesperson.


The video serves as a damning record of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli communities on the Gaza border on October 7.

The screening is scheduled to take place in front of a curated audience, featuring Hollywood celebrities and prominent figures.

(via Breitbart)

[Good. Eisenhower understood the power of film in exposing the Holocaust in all of its horror, so that denialism could never prevail. It wasn’t *just* film either, as the Nuremberg trials demonstrated. While the Nazis kept their genocides out of public view, they detailed them in meticulous internal records that also prevented denialism from overwhelming the understanding of it. When Gadot finishes briefing Hollywood, this film should become required viewing on American college campuses — required as in, “Watch this or leave.” — Ed]

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