A Cease Fire Means More Civilian Deaths in the Long Run

Whenever Israel has shown weakness, it has been attacked. Strength is not only the best deterrent against physical attack, but it is also the best way to make friends and influence enemies. The Psalms put it very well when they advised that “God will give the Jewish people strength, and then they will get peace.” For Israel and for Jews, peace comes only through strength. The more strength the more peace, the more weakness the less peace.


The opposite is also true. Hamas gains support when it wins against Israel, even if winning involves atrocities. The day after these massacres were exposed – even before Israel responded — Hamas received the support of student groups all over the world. Its prestige on the Arab and Muslim street went up dramatically, and its support within Gaza and the West Bank reached an all-time high. Hamas wins by showing strength. Israel loses by showing weakness. If Israel shows weakness by acceding to the ill-advised demands for a cease fire, the end result will be more civilian deaths in the long run.

The lesson for Israel is clear. The nation state of the Jewish people must not accept the demands of the international community that it show weakness. It cannot ignore the demands of America, but it must remind our leaders and people that Israel has killed far fewer civilians in its effort to destroy Hamas than American and England did in their combined efforts to destroy ISIS and Al-Qaeda — threats that were thousands of miles away from our borders, as contrasted to the immediate and proximate threats from Hamas and Hezbollah.


[This is so obvious that to deny it is to engage in pure sophistry. We did not offer cease-fires to ISIS or al-Qaeda, and for the very good reason that these are not negotiating partners interested in peace. They are annihilationist cults operating at levels of barbarity not seen since the Dark Ages or before. The only way to prevent more massacres is to utterly defeat them and then keep them suppressed. If we didn’t believe that, why are we still in Syria and Iraq? — Ed]

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