Those Celebrating the Slaughter of Women and Children Should Be 'Canceled'

“Canceling” people who disagree with you over ordinary political issues is bad for civil society. Ruining someone’s life because he wore a MAGA cap or tweeted something stupid or supported the wrong initiative creates an oppressive environment for open discourse.


“Canceling” people who sign petitions and hold up signs that openly celebrate or justify the targeted, brutal murders of women and babies, on the other hand, is good for civil society. Stopping malevolent ideas from being normalized is good. Exercising your First Amendment right to free speech and free association to shun and call out people who spread odious ideas in public life is a moral imperative.

[I don’t think of it as ‘canceling.’ I think of it as ‘accountability.’ If people stand on street corners cheering the deliberate and sadistic slaughter of unarmed civilians, their fame should precede them everywhere they go afterward. — Ed]

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