NEW: Feds Charge Man over Anti-Semitic Threats Against Senator


On Oct. 19, Miller left more voicemails for Rosen, including one when he asked if the senator had any family members who were Israeli settlers, suggesting if she did, he was pretty sure she would not make it illegal for them to come back to the U.S.

“…450 thousand of ‘em are American and are able to co-commit war crimes and come back and forth. Huh? Yeah, I-I-I pretty sure she is. Pretty sure she is. And she ain’t gon do a damn thing,” the criminal complaint claims Miller said. “She lets her own family members kill these Pe-Palestinians in the West Bank. The Christians in the West Bank. Senator, I’m sorry to say, but yah know what, you’re a piece of [expletive] and you’re gonna burn in [expletive]ing [expletive] for your [expletive]ing crimes.”

Miller was arrested on Oct. 26, and now faces one count of threatening a federal official.

[Let’s hope they throw the book at this idiot, John Anthony Miller. It’s not clear yet whether this is an example of far-Left anti-Semitism or far-Right anti-Semitism, so I won’t speculate — but neither would surprise me. — Ed]

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