There are those who see a nonviolent way forward in Gaza right now: A cease-fire, an exchange of prisoners for hostages, a UN protectorate. I envy them, whatever clear answer they might have to how Israel should respond to the massacre of more than 1,400 Israelis and the kidnapping of more than 200 others by a fundamentalist terrorist organization that rules over and hides among an impoverished civilian population of 2 million people. I envy those who know exactly how Hamas can be stopped without any more killing, any more suffering, for any more people in Israel and Gaza.
Because I don’t. …
Hamas views its attack as a historic achievement, and that means it is only a matter of time before it will attack again. Israel’s strategies of containment (“quiet for quiet”), suitcases of cash from Qatar, and deterrence all failed. Hamas has no interest in peace negotiations, despite the wishful thinking that has afflicted some analysts in the past. The only way to prevent further attacks of this kind is to render Hamas physically incapable of executing them.
[Exactly. Lazarus writes this from the perspective of a peacemaker, who recognizes better than most others in his position that Hamas doesn’t want peace. They want to eliminate Israel, and while they retain the capability and opportunity, they will keep creating war for that purpose. A ground offensive is a horrible option, but right now it’s the only option that actually addresses the problem. — Ed]
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