Never Again ... Again

For McCardle, highlighting the students’ smug entitlement while simultaneously forgiving the substance of their public denouncements of the Jewish State as mere rhetorical faux pas — just the workaday consequence of an elite education that has not yet extended to the graduate level, where presumably Harvard students are taught to better disguise their anti-Semitism, or at least, keep it to themselves until they reach such a point professionally where they’re able to get away with holding such views — is the compromise she makes between what she must feel is some sort of necessary condemnation that, in the end, hides the real and significant offense committed by the most privileged of the radical chic.


The truth is, these students didn’t offer “tone deaf statements” in the laudable and courageous course of free speech activism. Rather, as the presumptive future leaders of a pluralist country — adults who have access to more information faster than any others like them in history — these self-sastisfied virtue groupies got a charge out the transgressive stance of blaming the Jews for the slaughter, rape, and kidnapping of their own civilians, many of whom were killed in door-to-door sweeps whose object was their complete extermination.

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