Government programs usually turn out to be far more expensive than their sponsors predict. A case in point is the progressive Illinois program giving taxpayer-subsidized healthcare to illegal immigrants and other non-citizens. It was originally supposed to cost a few million but instead would end up costing billions, if enrollment were not capped. “Just four months into the fiscal year, Illinois’ Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors program will suspend accepting new enrollees starting Nov. 6, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services said Thursday. In 2020, Illinois began subsidizing the health care of non-citizens in the state over 65, estimating the cost to be $1.8 million. Two years later, the state started offering the taxpayer-subsidized benefit to non-citizens over the age of 42,” notes Illinois in Focus.
Now, a state agency has “projected that without limits, costs could reach $1 billion. This year’s spending plan budgets half that, $550 million,” even with capped enrollment, reports the TV station WTTW.
The cost actually would far exceed $1 billion, in all likelihood. A legislator had noted that “In FY24, Illinois’ program of health benefits for undocumented immigrants is estimated to cost $990 million, which is a $768 million increase (346%) over FY23….Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for any federal Medicaid match, resulting in State GRF being used to pay for the entirety of services provided. These ballooning enrollments and costs are unsustainable and could lead to the loss of funding and services for Illinois’ most vulnerable citizens.”
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