Biden Assures Israel that Hamas Pinky-Swears Not to Use $100M for Terrorism

“We thank The Great Satan for this gift of millions of American dollars,” said Hamas spokesperson Muhammad Muhammad Al Muhammad. “We will get right to work buying, um, bandaids, and water, um, and whatever else our people need to stay alive, even though we all want to die as martyrs for Allah while killing Jews. We definitely won’t buy $100 million worth of rockets. No way. Pinky promise.”


At publishing time, sources had confirmed another $100 million worth of rockets were traveling toward Tel Aviv.

[This is satire, but it prompts the larger and more fundamental question why we’re sending aid to a territory that elects terrorists as its government. The Gazans made that choice; the Iranian popluace didn’t, for instance. Let them live with the consequences of it. Biden felt compelled to do it for PR purposes with Egypt and Jordan, so it’s understandable in that sense, but we should have cut off all aid in 2006-7 when Gazans voted for Hamas. Or did we learn nothing from 9/11? — Ed]

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