Even now, Team Biden does not seem to have internalized the reality that the American policy of “conciliate to evacuate”—to develop a U.S.-Iranian détente that would allow the U.S. to reduce its role in the region—remains, as it has since President Obama first began to implement it, a destabilizing force in the Middle East. It has discomfited our friends, disrupted our alliances, emboldened terrorists, and provided Iran’s mullahs with the resources to turn both Hezbollah and Hamas into formidably destructive forces. …
Iran is unappeasable, but this truth is too inconvenient for the Biden administration to admit. Instead, administration spokesmen continue to minimize Tehran’s involvement with and responsibility for the murders. Iran, which at this point seems to have little fear from an administration it believes it has cowed, is more open. It makes no bones about its support for the murders in Gaza. After the attack, when it was already clear how indiscriminate the killing had been, Iran’s foreign minister embraced the head of Hamas, a man who lives in luxury in Qatar, a country that Mr. Biden last year designated a major non-NATO ally of the U.S.
[This is the result, ironically enough, of cultural ignorance brought on by elite-Left arrogance and moral relativism. The Obama/Biden clique convinced themselves that Iran, like Hamas, simply wanted the same things that Western nations wanted, only with more respect paid. The reality is that Iran and Hamas are theocrat-tyrants pursuing non-rational goals of religious supremacy and domination. Understanding that will reveal that all of their actions are rationally calculated for that non-rational purpose. Their hate is real and irresolvable through trade or diplomacy. And appeasement only increases their opportunities for destruction and domination. — Ed]
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