How much taxpayer money goes to Hamas apologists?

The Biden State Department claims it conducts “extensive” due diligence to ensure recipients of taxpayer-funded grants do not support terrorism. But it recently gave $160,000 to a Palestinian university known as a hotbed of Hamas activity that praised Hamas terrorists as “martyrs” following their attack on Israel.


The State Department awarded Al-Quds University in the West Bank grants of $160,000 last year, according to records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. …

Al-Quds University praised Hamas fighters in the wake of the terrorist group’s recent attack on Israel, in which more than 1,000 Israelis have been slaughtered in the largest terrorist attack on the Jewish state. Al-Quds University said in a statement on social media that it “mourns the martyrs of the nation who died yesterday in the West Bank and Gaza as a result of this aggression.”

Al-Quds has hosted numerous Hamas rallies over the years, leading the Israeli government and an American university to cut ties with the school. But that history has not deterred Foggy Bottom, which this week claimed to perform rigorous due diligence of all grant recipients.

[Yeah, right. Let’s hope that Ross keeps digging into this. However, I’d be more concerned about the BILLIONS of dollars flowing into pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic schools right here in America, many of which have outed themselves as not just Hamas apologists but outright cheerleaders for terrorism in the past week. — Ed]

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